It’s raining (man… hallelujah?)*

It’s May. You wouldn’t say so if you’d look outside my window. Last year, on this exact same day it was waaay too hot but I liked that. You get up, put on a T-Shirt, jeans, sneakers and you’re ready to go. Now, I get up (too late, of course), say sorry to our warm and cozy bed and the mission begins. How many layers do I have to wear, which umbrella won’t break because it’s pretty windy, which sneakers are waterproof, …?

*I just wanted to say you shouldn’t wonder if you see lyrics in the title. I’m an annoying person who always has a song stuck in her head and people around me know which one it is. No need for explaining how they know it 🙂 I hope you don’t mind. Big got used to it (or kinda had to ), you don’t have to but it would be nice if you’d opened our post!

Do you like rain? What do you do when it’s raining?

Big really enjoys to be at home, watch movies and chill, I just want to sleep and that’s not good because it’s time to start studying for my finals. As I mentioned, German isn’t my mother language and it takes longer for me to learn something. Today I was sitting in the library looking through the window and I can’t tell you what was happening outside but I can tell you which raindrop won the competition! Remember when you were a child and you were travelling somewhere far away, in time where nobody even had a phone (we’re not gonna mention smartphones) and you had to make up games to make the time go by faster? Well, today I was a (very unproductive) child.

How do you even pick a favorite raindrop? It’s not fair to the other one. No one is cheering for it. When we compare the raindrops with life in general, it’s pretty similar. Someone could be trying hard to make it’s life better but there’s always another person, who doesn’t have to be better than the first one, but has the support you’re missing. When your raindrop moves for a millimeter you’re happy, supportive and believe in it. Then, it’s quiet for a short period. It’s just standing there. And it’s the same with me when there’s no sun. I have the feeling that everybody is doing something, except me. The world is going and I’m standing still. And I don’t like that feeling.
Suddenly the drop moves very fast again and there’s hope. Hope that it’ll get to the end first. And sometimes I’m excited, for no specific reason , I’m just excited for a new day, irrelevant if the day was good or bad. Then the day comes and nothing happens in particular. I’m not feeling sad, happy, disappointed, nothing. And it’s the same with the end of the raindrop race. It doesn’t happen anything. A new drop appears at the top of the window, your new hope, your new day.

I do believe in new beginnings every day. Not the typically ‘new year, new chapter/book’ thing. But I couldn’t live without hope and it doesn’t have to do anything with faith or religion. It’s good to show every single of your feelings. Holding it back doesn’t do any good for you. Feeling empty hurts you and it’s hard to go back to ‘normal’ after it.
Hope, on the other hand, gives you something, yes sometimes even disappointment but it’s better than not to feel anything. Be like a raindrop once in a while, just don’t forget to cheer for yourself when you don’t have anyone to do it for you. Be your own hero, be happy when you ‘win’, motivate yourself to start from the beginning again. Think about goals you want to achieve and start doing something for yourself. If you don’t do it alone, no one else will.

These rainy day encourage me to be reminisce about myself, my week and goals. I’m taking small steps, so even if something bad happens I can get back on my feet quickly and improve myself.

Enough of daydreaming for today, I better start working on my goals, don’t wanna preach something I’m not living.

Have a good day,

Smol & Big

Daily struggle of cooking fresh meals

As it says on our blog, this is a couple’s blog and we’re also dealing with every day struggles in our home. One of them is lack of ideas in our kitchen. What does that even mean?
Well, when you live alone and work/or go to school/ university you don’t care much about cooking. The greatest meal you make is probably a can of soup or pasta with some sauce. You mostly eat at work or bring a sandwich from home. (Yes I’m aware there are many healthier versions but some of us aren’t that well prepared)
On weekend you meet with friends or order something so that problem is also solved. I like making sweets but don’t like to eat them so I’m making cakes for my family or friends. It was more like a hobby in my spare time and it still is but that was the story of me and my usage of the kitchen.

Then there is Big. He is a professional cook. All what a girl can dream of 🙂
We had a long distance relationship for over two years and in the time we were seeing each other not so often we sometimes cooked together but we just wanted to spend time with one another no matter what we were doing. Now it’s different. We still want to do stuff together and to cook but we’re struggling because we’ve come into the cycle of the daily routine. We eat everything and don’t have any special preferences. Mostly meat with some side dish, pasta or rice and vegetables. We take care that our plate includes proteins, vitamins and healthy carbs. The only thing we regret is that we can’t always eat/cook together and at the same time because our schedules don’t often match. What we try is, to eat our last meal before 8 pm because it’s healthier and we feel better not to go sleeping with a full stomach.

But the main problem that we wanted to write about is – what to cook every day? People who are well organized make a menu for the whole week over the weekend and only go shopping once a week – we could do that to – but (yes; excuses, excuses) we can’t even decide what to eat today, especially not the next Friday. How do you decide when and what to make? If you have any great ideas, please, share them with us, we’re kinda desperate.

We read blogs about ‘fast’ meals which can be prepared in 40- 50 minutes, search the Internet for any ideas and even go trough Jamie Oliver’s books about fast and easy to be made food and discover that for every meals we’re missing at least one special ingredient. I’m pretty sure you know what I’m talking about – you’re going through the list, everything seems to be normal and easy and you have everything at home – EXCEPT that one thing which is kinda making the meal so special. In that moment you’re thinking oh F it and make a meal that is well known for you. But we’re not quitters. At least we make something. Our pro tip is to have different ingredients at home – meat/ fish (if you’re not vegetarian/vegan), pasta, vegetables/ fruits, diary products and you’ll be on the safe side for sure.

Why are we mentioning this? In this modern world people just take the easy road and order something. As a medical student I can assure you that, if you read the statistics, there are much more illness than lets say 15 years ago. I don’t even want to start the topic about everything that is put in our food, the processes used to make our food last longer, etc. So any meal you decide to make at home, no matter how unhealthy you thing it is, it is better than the same meal ordered in restaurant. We can’t tell you what happens behind the kitchen door in very expensive restaurants but we know what happens in the ordinary ones, in the middle priced ones at least. The food comes half prepared, waiting to be thrown in the water or oil and served on the plate. The quality is not that important for most of the restaurants, it’s the money that counts. Yes, it’s like that with almost every branch but, come on people, we want to live after eating take out food or somewhere outside our house.

There is also an option to make food for two days, something you can ‘eat with a spoon’ (that’s the literally translation of the expression from our mother language), a soup or goulash. You save time and it’s really healthy! It’s only a little bit hard when you live alone and make a bigger amount of it because you could it eat it for days and it’ll get ‘boring’ for you but sometimes it’s really worth it, especially in the winter time.

Experiment! How bad can it get? Don’t try the most unusual things at the beginning. Start with a salad (if you like it) or some basic pasta. Try to cook something every day. Sometimes if you’re not lazy and make a meal after you come home from a hard day, you can take the rest to work tomorrow. I, for an example, love to eat chicken. And if we eat it for dinner, I make one piece more on purpose and make a sandwich in the morning or cut it into small pieces and add it to a salad. In case you don’t eat meat you can prepare bulgur, a really cool dish that comes from Turkey, with tomatoes and zucchini. That one is delicious, both warm and cold. Always have fruit by your side. We recommend it more than a protein bar or something similar. You can change it every day and depending on the season. Spring is great for strawberries, cherries, blueberries, avocado, etc. It gives you enough sugar to make your day sweeter and energy to keep going through the day!

We’ ll try new techniques with our grocery shopping and if it works out, we’re surely tell you all about it!
The point is, don’t be lazy! Making food can also be fun if you do it together and the feeling that you get from eating your own meal is incredible! Just try it out and let us know if we could inspire you to do something new in your kitchen!


Smol n Big

Gamer girlfriend

Soooo, we said that we’re gonna write about Gaming, but there’s one thing you have to know. I am Smol and I’m a gamer girlfriend (or as I like to say: GGF).

What’s special about that? Well, pretty much a lot of things. I can do things with my boyfriend during the late afternoon (when people usually do their hobbies or meet with friends) and sometimes (certainly it depends on a person) we like to do our own things/hobbies in the evening.
When he plays a round or two, I can study, read a book, go to other activities and we don’t stand in each others ways.
One of the benefits is that we don’t fight about what we should watch on TV (especially because none of us is a TV – type person) but you surely know men who have to watch every football (soccer) / basketball match every Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday and sometimes you just want to watch a stupid show and not sports.
The only rule we have is that we go sleeping at the same time. Yes, I am the person who falls asleep as soon as I sit down, or the person who is picking the movie longer than it watches the movie but that’s another topic. I do fall asleep on the couch but I don’t go sleeping alone.

I admit, I suck big time at playing anything. The only game on a computer I was good at was Solitaire in 2003. About 2010 when everyone was getting smart phones and downloading different games I was just watching them play or later downloaded Sudoku but I highly doubt that that could be seen as a game.

Now, in the last few years, I learned a lot about it. Earlier I thought it’s just useless and wasting time but now we got to the point that I find it interesting. No, I didn’t learned how to play but at least I understand what’s going on and who is on which side. I don’t have to ask a question every two seconds and I can play for a few minutes and not die right away. That’s a huge success for me, believe it or not.

One thing I especially like on the Internet are memes. I don’t discriminate them. I don’t care what kind of memes they are I just want to laugh. The problem was I didn’t get every meme that was popular back in the days when 9gag had really, really good, fresh content. Now I understand a lot more (press F for this fallen sister here) and if I don’t I can always ask Big.

Games do help to concentrate at more things at once and improving skills like coordination and learning stuff about your computer. Yes it’s an expensive hobby but what’s not expensive nowadays?

Depending on the type of the game you’re playing you can also develop or improve some IRL (in real life) skills like reaction time, precision, strategy, different viewpoint in different situations and also team work. Every gamer/player prefers different kinds of games. My GBF (gamer boyfriend) likes to play FPS games ( First Person Shooter) and racing simulations (he also got a steering wheel which also appears to be a bigger deal than I thought!). He started playing games when he was about 5 years old (SEGA and Nintendo days) so he really knows what he’s talking about. His first PCMR (PC MasterRace) moment was back in 2008 when he started playing COD (Call of Duty) series. He spent about 4000 hours (167 days) playing it which I’m not sure if I find it impressive because he was very young. Now he’s not playing that much (not because of me 🙂 ), it’s because he’s missing a real team (poor guy).

So these are a few things about being a GGF and having a GBF. Don’t be like me and judge from the beginning. It doesn’t have to become your hobby just accept it and some day it’ll maybe be funny and relaxing for you, too.

P.S. Look at those colors!


Smol & Big

Get to know us

Hi, we’re Smol n Big, a young couple living in Germany. In this blog, we’ll capture our lives in posts that we want to share with you. We’re two completely different personalities with many hobbies and we want to share our happiness with you.

The interessting thing about this blog is, that it’s gonna be written in German and English even though none of these are our mother languages. But we’ll give our best so that we can be understood.

Our main topics will be about medicine, health, cooking, make -up, gaming and much more so please stay tuned.

Thank you for visiting our blog!

Yours, Smol n Big